Age: 3 yr. olds
Destiny Dance Institute’s 3-year-old Pre-Dance class is structured to develop motor skills, coordination, and grace while fostering a love for dancing. This dance class will introduce basic ballet technique and vocabulary in a fun and exciting manner. Students will learn ballet and jazz movements that will build their confidence and give them a sense of achievement. The skills they develop in this playful environment will lay a foundation for future dance technique classes. These classes will perform in the Winter Showcase in December and the formal end of season Recital in June! This class is 30 minutes long.
We also offer a 3 yr. Pre-Dance & Tumble class at DDI. The primary focus of this class will be pre-dance but dancers will also explore primary, fundamental elements of Acro dance for a small portion of the class. This class is 45 minutes long and will perform in the Winter Showcase in December and the formal end of season Recital in June!
All dress code items are to be purchased at the studio. See dress code items here.